Great Benefits
As a worker, you have guaranteed rights to form or join a union, and bargain collectively with your employer. BAC Local 1 Alberta officers and staff are the representatives of the Union who help workers deal with unfair treatment, discrimination and other workplace issues. This helps balance the power that an employer has over individual employees.
Better Opportunities
Belonging to a union gives you rights under the law that you do not have as an individual. Once you have joined a union, your employer must bargain with your union over your wages, benefits, hours and working conditions. As a result, union workers, on average, earn higher wages and get more benefits than workers who don’t have a voice on the job.
More Representation
Belonging to Local 1 as an apprentice means employers train you how to safely do your job, and as you advance from apprentice to journeyperson your wage will increase according to our contract (60% journeyperson rate at first year 80% at second and 90% at third year).